Say Hello to Your Care Team


Dr. Cerra, NMD

Naturopathic Medical Doctor

& CEO of Wind and Sea Wellness

The emphasis on individualized care is what lead me to become a naturopathic doctor and is what keeps me motivated when working with my patients. We are all different and our stories are all unique, which is why it’s imperative that my patients know they are never seen as “just another patient with X, Y, or Z” when they come to Wind and Sea Wellness. Being able to investigate the root cause of each and every one of my patients concerns and provide them with their own personalized treatment plan is what I am dedicated to.

Combining evidence based natural therapies with conventional medicine, I work with patients to help them reach their optimal health goals. Utilizing the least invasive therapy, teaching my patients about their health, treating the whole person through integrating mind-body-spirit, all while focusing on disease prevention, I am thrilled to be a part of my patients journey to wellness, and I hope to be a part of yours!


About Dr. Cerra


I am a licensed naturopathic doctor. I received my medical training from Bastyr University, the leading accredited institution for science-based natural medicine. The naturopathic doctoral program is a four year full-time integrated medical program, similar to a MD or DO degree program, but we have a few philosophical differences as well as more training in a wide array of treatment approaches. What makes naturopathic doctors unique is that we speak many, many medical languages, and we understand conventional, functional, traditional, and natural modalities making us experts in integrative medicine.

Prior to naturopathic medical school, I received my bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences and Spanish from Rutgers University.

Areas of Focus:

When I see my patients I rarely am fixated on one area of concern unless something acute has arose, instead I treat the whole person. I focus on making sure that their mind, body, and spirit are in alignment. I have a deep understanding of how linked our mental/emotional state is with our physical state, and the importance of addressing imbalances of either one to heal the other. I have spent a lot of my time creating a deeper understanding of our endocrine system and how our hormones play such an important role in all of our bodily systems. I work with my patients in regaining their health through hormone regulation. Whether this is in areas of concern with males or females, I assist those wanting to get their energy back, regulate their menstrual cycles, improve their immune system, optimize brain function, support those with anxiety or depression, and much much more.

One of my favorite concerns to address is with body image. Whether this is with patients that have a history, are currently struggling with disordered eating, or those wanting help in maintaining a healthy weight for disease prevention, I love to guide my patients in getting to a body that they feel comfortable in.

My Journey:

I grew up with a health conscious family surrounded by integrative medicine. I spent my summers helping out at my parent’s independent pharmacy and had the great honor of being able to witness how well medication worked for patients in acute situations. However, at the same time, I was perplexed at how many of the customers were “regulars”. Why were such a large percentage of patients coming back, returning for medications they had been taking for years, and would continue to take for the rest of their life? I was curious if anyone was working with them to potentially help them get off their medications or figure out the root cause of their health problems. My curiosity for sustainable health began at a young age, and I’m grateful that I never stopped asking those questions. I knew then that my eagerness to understand a different side of the western medical world would lead me somewhere special.

Why I Chose Naturopathic Medicine:

While working on my biology degree at Rutgers University, I became trained as a yoga instructor, and my own personal journey in health and wellness began. I thoroughly enjoyed exploring meditation, mindfulness, nutrition, and self discovery into natural health. At the end of yoga classes I would teach, it wasn’t out of the ordinary for clients to say things like “What pose is good for back pain?”, “What should I do for menstrual cramps?”, “Since starting yoga I’ve been able to come off my antidepressants”, “Can you tell me what I should do for anxiety?”, “How can I healthily lose weight?”. I grew frustrated that I didn’t have a medical background to answer these questions or fully support them on their healing journey. I distinctly remember the night that I went home and started researching medical professionals that used an integrative approach to treating disease and focussed on preventative medicine. My search led me to naturopathic medicine, and alas here we are!

Personal Healing:

Throughout my undergraduate career, I consistently found myself getting sick every time final exams would roll around. It was clockwork for my body that if there was a stressful event, I would get a throat infection and be put on antibiotics. This cycle continued for me about 25 times. I didn’t understand why or how my body wasn’t able to support me, and why none of my doctors ever attempted to explain ways to prevent this from happening or perhaps offer other treatments in supporting my immune system. It wasn’t until I began at Bastyr University that it became clear to me how strongly correlated stress and our immune system are. Since supporting myself with naturopathic medicine, I can count on one hand the amount of times my immune system has taken a hit- and it’s always when I become inattentive with my own self care. During my undergraduate career I also struggled with my weight, constantly being influenced by the media I always felt “too big” or “too small” dependent on the day and the magazine that was in the supermarket aisle. I invested a large percentage of my time being fixated on having the “perfect body”. It consumed me more than I am proud of, and it took a lot of support for me to understand that the “perfect” body doesn’t exist. What matters is that you feel not only comfortable in your body, but that you are in a physical body that is able to do and accomplish all the things that you dream of.

It was because of my own personal experience with immune system weakness and poor self image that I devoted much of my education to understanding how to best support patients with autoimmune diseases, chronic stress, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, weight management goals, fatigue, and brain optimization.


Patient Care Coordinator

Hello! My name is Stephanie and I am a Virtual Medical Office Assistant. I love working with Naturopathic doctors as I have always been very passionate about health, wellness and natural ways of healing. I am also interested in the mind-body approach of healing specifically and I meditate almost daily. I am very lucky to live on a beautiful island in British Columbia. When I am not at work I am usually outdoors on a hike or at the beach. 

I am here to support you on your journey to health and wellness alongside of Dr. Cerra!

Get started with Wind and Sea Wellness, today.